Saturday, December 26, 2009

In-page bookmarks in Web Browser

Here I’ll talk about new features I wish to see in modern web browsers.
Today we’ll review the “In-page bookmarks” feature.
It relates to the navigation aspect of a browser. Let’s take Opera© (10.0) as a sample.

So what does this feature resembles. It allows placing bookmarks directly inside the page contents. This has two advantages:
  1. If web page is pretty long and several parts of interest are scattered far away from each other I can put a bookmark in front of important peace of material. Then I would be able to navigate among this marks easily, since they are looming alongside the scrollbars.
  2. The placed bookmarks would help in getting clue about why some yesterday's tabs in my browser are important and what significant information do they keep.
In-page bookmarks can have a description assigned by browser relying on nearby context, or by user himself.

1 comment:

  1. you can do it easily, using diigo, reframeit or google bookmarks
